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Driveway Aftercare
Getting a new driveway is only the begining, there's lots of things you need to be aware of to keep your driveway in the best possible shape and preserve the quality of the workmanship of your new driveway. Below is a list of things you can do to protect your investment.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us and we can answer any questions and elaborate on any of the tips given on this page.
  • 1. DON'T Place sharp or pointed objects on your driveway.

    Place sharp or pointed objects on your driveway. Indentations will result. This will certainly be true for the first year of its life and perhaps longer (such as on a hot summer day when the mercury reaches 80°F or above). Stay off the new driveway 2-3 days after installation and longer if temperatures are hot.

    Principal offenders are high heels, bicycle kickstands, ladders, porch chairs, etc.

    REASON - The pounds per square inch on the above subjects is so great. This means that while small in area and light in weight, the weight involved is too great for the area concerned being all concentrated in one small spot. Also, asphalt is not a hard, tight material, but a soft, porous one.

  • 2. DON'T - Drive near or off the edges of your driveway.
  • 3. DON'T - Turn the car wheels sharply on the pavement.
  • 4. DON'T - Park the car or camper in the same spot all the time.
  • 5. DON'T - Allow overweight vehicles on the driveway.
  • 6. DON'T - Feel that the driveway should be completely puddle-free.
  • 7. DON'T - Allow weeds or other vegetation to crowd the edges of the driveway.
  • 8. DON'T - Allow a driveway snowplow on your blacktop without a warning to the operator to raise the blade slightly.
Maine Asphalt Pavement Association
Maine Asphalt Pavement Association


  • qxio-ios-checkmarkAsphalt Texture Varies: Your driveway will most likely look smoother in some areas and rougher in others because of the make up of asphalt. Asphalt has varying sizes of sand, stone, liquid asphalts, and other ingredients that give a sometimes inconsistent texture of the surface. Also, areas that were spread with rakes/hand tools may look different from areas that were spread with a machine.
  • qxio-ios-checkmarkSeams: Your new driveway may have visible seams in it. This is normal. Especially in driveways that have curves, or are very wide. This is due to the paving machine making many different passes to cover the entire area of your driveway. The seams will fade in time and will be almost invisible once the first sealcoat is applied.
  • qxio-ios-checkmarkCracks: Come spring time, you may notice some new cracks have developed. This is more than likely due to the freeze-thaw weather cycles and the contraction and expansion of the ground. Cracks should be filled with rubberized or hot pour crack sealer to prevent water damage. (This is included in your warranty for the first year) We are only a phone call away!
  • qxio-ios-checkmarkApplying Sealcoat: To maximize your new driveway’s lifespan, it’s advisable to seal coat it after installation. However, prematurely applying seal coat can cause the surface to lock in foreign oils and solvents. The best time to seal coat a new driveway is 1-2 years after paving. Doing so will protect from the sun’s harmful UV rays and prevent too much oxidation from occurring. Asphalt sealer offers a protective coating that’s impervious to road salt, anti-freeze, gasoline, oil, and grease. Also, seal coat will fill hairline cracks and keep your driveway looking beautiful with a jet black finish. Unsealed driveways remain porous, dry out, and become rough much sooner than ones that are seal coated. Seal coated driveways are fully cured after about three weeks, and will be prone to scuffing during the curing period. Scuffing happens even more so in temperatures over 80 degrees and driveways with tight turns should be sealed in cooler temperatures. Scuffing can be prevented by only turning your vehicle’s steering wheel while in motion.
  • qxio-ios-checkmarkWater Puddles: Dont feel that the driveway should be completely puddle-free. In areas completed by hand or where close drainage tolerances are encountered, this may sometimes occur.